Greetings From The Hudsons 2016

This was the year of our trip back east.  In August we visited Bob
and Sandi in Pennsylvania, and Dave Flaherty and other friends in
the Albany, New York area.  Judy went on to a reunion with the 
SA Bridge Club in Chicago.

Sofi is now a freshman at the Santa Rosa Junior College, our city's
community college.  Zak is a senior in high school.  They both have
part-time jobs, and they are now drivers.  No more Hudson Taxi
Service.  Sofi is looking at the possibility of starting a baking
business, possibly with delivery to SRJC students.  Zak continues
his athletic activities, including basketball.
Cassidy, our  oldest grandson, has completed his training in the
Navy's nuclear propulsion program.  He spent this year in Ballston
, N.Y., and is now stationed in Portsmouth, New Hampshire
There is a possibility that he will be stationed in San Diego some
time in 2017.  He was here for Thanksgiving.
Francisco worked as a counselor at a family camp in the Sierras. 
This is his third year in the program.  He is scouting colleges along
the west coast.  He also engages in strenuous sports and plays the

Isabelle is in 6th grade at a middle school in Berkeley.  She and Sofi 
joined us on a visit to Columbia, CA, an old gold mining town, in 
July.  Isabelle enjoys working in the school garden and eating the 
things they cook with the garden produce.

There was no Camp Hudson this year.  The Camp Hudson kids 
(3 of whom are now 17 or 18 years old) have busy lives.  But we
had fun.  See our visit to Scandia.
Larry spends time updating our large digital photo collection, over
13,000 pictures, and posts videos on YouTube.  Judy is busy with
volunteer work, playing bridge and teaching some friends to play
mah jongg.  She keeps very busy.

You can keep up with us looking at the slides and videos we post
online.    Recently we posted a video of the New York State portion
of our trip east.

We hope your year has been a busy and rewarding one and send
our best wishes for a wonderful 2017.

See our 2016 Holiday Photo.

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